
Consideration of an action
is the means by which we show our care.
Wholeness is formed from every fraction
as we're united by what we share.
When hearts open to encompass more,
such beautiful futures are in store!

Is the means by which we show our care
becoming a burden or a chore?
Strength and patience will be brought to bear
if genuine needs come to the fore.
Kindness need not be a rarity
in feelings expressed with clarity.

Wholeness is formed from every fraction
through giving marked by sincerity.
Two make one in their interaction
when thinking is filled with charity.
Together we stand on solid ground
built on truth extending all around.

As we're united by what we share,
let us make all of our sharing sound.
Every person becomes a mirror
in which our reflections can be found.
Looking at society will show,
peace is not constrained by what we know.

When hearts open to encompass more,
their capacities can start to grow.
Like an open book, an open door,
meaning and potential overflow.
There is no attention left to chase
because every person has a place.

Such beautiful futures are in store
when empathy starts to fill the space.
There is no more ceiling, no more floor,
simply an endless expanse of grace.
For, with Love, boundaries fall away,
Love’s presence forever here to stay.